One of the biggest pains of taking a vacation is looking after your glasses. Carrying contact solution on an airplane can also be a big pain.
Many people consider LASIK because they know they have a vacation coming up. It is exciting to be able to see the beauty of the world without anything standing in your way.
Keep reading to find out how soon before a vacation you can have LASIK!
Post-LASIK Restrictions
Within the first 24 hours after having LASIK, you will be a bit uncomfortable. Your eyes will likely be sore.
The recovery is swift and you should be back to your normal routine within 2 – 3 days. Try to not rub or touch your eyes during the recovery process.
Make sure you have lubricating eye drops available to keep your eyes moist. This will also help with any itching or dryness you may experience.
You can start exercising after the first week. Lifting weights, swimming, and other stand-alone activities are ok after the first couple of weeks.
It is strongly advised that you stay away from contact sports until at least a month after LASIK. When you are ready for contact sports, wear protective eye gear.
Make sure you have had your post-surgery visit if you intend to fly to your vacation destination. Let your ophthalmologist know about any upcoming air travel.
The air on the plane can make your eyes itchy and dry. Make sure you have your eye drops on hand to soothe any dry and itchy eyes.
If you are traveling close to home, it is different than traveling to a remote location. Be sure to check with your eyedoctor before flying out of the country. Your doctor will be able to let you know how to proceed and if you need to take any specific precautions.
Precautionary LASIK Travel List
One of the advantages of having LASIK is it makes it a lot easier to pack. No more worrying about glasses or contact lenses!
But you still need to make sure you have the right things with you, just in case. Pack lubricating eye drops and protective eye gear.
Remember to bring your doctor’s information in case of an emergency. Pain management medication is also ideal to have on any long trip.
LASIK has a fast recovery time, but your comfort on a vacation is important. It’s best to plan ahead. The last thing you want is to be in pain during your vacation!
Follow any post-surgery instructions that you received after you arrive at your destination. LASIK is an out-patient procedure but it is still surgery. Proper healing time should be observed to make sure that you heal properly.
Enjoy the Results
A month after LASIK, you will be able to enjoy life with clearer and sharper natural vision. Making and keeping scheduled post-surgery visits with your ophthalmologist is critical. Your eyes can take up to six months to a year to heal.
No one knows their comfort level more than you. If you feel you are ready to travel, then you should do so.
Make sure to discuss it first with your doctor. Go prepared and follow your post-surgery instruction. Above all: enjoy your trip with clear and unencumbered vision!
Think that LASIK could be right for you? Schedule a LASIK consultation with Stahl Eyecare Experts in Garden City, NY today.
If a vacation that doesn’t involve worrying about glasses or contacts sounds up your alley, it’s time to learn more about LASIK!