Formally known as “ptosis”, drooping eyelids are a condition which can adversely affect vision. Although there are children born with this condition (congenital ptosis), much more commonly it is acquired later in life.

As the eyelid progressively droops, it can obscure the patient’s vision. At a certain point the eyelid acts like a curtain blocking out peripheral vision. Many patients will report that they have to use their hands to manually elevate the eyelid and that when they do that they are amazed at how much more vision they have. As a board certified ophthalmologist, specifically specializing in eyelid surgery, Dr Werner is a member of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. As such, he can specifically address the eyelid issues and recommend an appropriate course of action. Frequently, because of the loss of peripheral vision created by the drooping eyelid, the medical insurance companies will cover the cost associated with the repair and restoration of the eyelid to its normal function.