Category: Uncategorized

4 Things to Know About Macular Degeneration

As people get older, they start facing new challenges with their eyesight. One relatively common issue that older people can develop is an eye condition called macular degeneration.  This eye condition affects as many as 11 million Americans in some form. Keep reading to learn 4 things you should know about macular degeneration! 1. What… Read More

Does Diabetic Retinopathy Cause Vision Loss?

Millions of people worldwide have diabetes, and it’s a constantly rising statistic. The inability to regulate blood sugar has consequences that affect the entire body, even your eyes. Diabetic retinopathy is a severe symptom of diabetes that, if left untreated, can lead to permanent loss of vision. Keep reading to learn more about diabetic retinopathy… Read More

How Do You Diagnose and Treat Glaucoma?

Glaucoma irreparably destroys vision yet is very difficult to detect. What is even worse is that there is currently no cure for it. Although, you can manage and treat it with certain medications and procedures. There are ways to stop glaucoma from damaging your eyesight. But first, you need to know how it works and… Read More

3 Treatment Options After a Macular Degeneration Diagnosis

Macular degeneration (MD) is a common eye disorder that primarily affects older people. It can affect one or both eyes and slowly worsens over time. When you first get it, you may sense strange visual distortions, like your eyesight is bending. You may also notice that you require more and more light to function while… Read More

Why Should You Consider Getting Refractive Lens Exchange?

LASIK may be the most well-known vision correction procedure, but it is by no means the only option. It is not suitable for everyone, and there are alternatives for people who are not LASIK candidates. One common alternative to LASIK is refractive lens exchange or RLE. Although they achieve similar results, they are very different… Read More

Got Dry Eyes? There’s Treatment For That!

Dry eye syndrome is a widespread problem, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Your eye doctor can help you learn what is causing your dry eye and develop a plan to get rid of it for good! Keep reading to learn more about dry eye syndrome and how you can treat it! What Causes… Read More

Is There a Cure For Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is one of the most frightening eye diseases that exists for several reasons. First of all, it is a progressive disease. That means, without intervention, it only gets worse over time. Also, it is very gradual and does not present obvious symptoms. That makes it almost impossible to detect until it damages your vision…. Read More

Can You Treat Keratoconus?

Your cornea is a thin layer of clear tissue on the front of your eye that does a lot more than cover your pupil to keep stuff out. It also provides a lot of your eye’s focusing power. It focuses much of the light that passes through it down and through the lens of your… Read More

What Is RLE and Is It Right For Me?

There are many options to research when you’re considering vision correction. But one possibility is especially exciting. Refractive lens exchange or RLE is one of the most popular vision procedures you probably have never heard about. Keep reading to learn more about RLE and find out if it is right for you! RLE Basics The… Read More

Is There Anything I Can Do To Avoid Needing Reading Glasses?

Nobody wants to rely on glasses to go about their day, but often it is impossible to avoid. Poor vision is usually a result of natural problems with your eyes. Misshapen corneas and flawed lenses in the eye tend to lead to many common refractive errors. You can fix corneal issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or… Read More

450 Endo Boulevard Garden City, NY 11530
Phone: 516.832.8000
For a LASIK consultation, please call (516) 832-8000 ext. 4
185 Madison Avenue, 2nd Floor (On the corner of 34th Street) New York, NY 10016
Phone: 212.689.7676
For a LASIK consultation, please call (516) 832-8000 ext. 4
200 Motor Parkway, Suite D-25 Hauppauge, NY 11788
Phone: 631.952.8000
For a LASIK consultation, please call (516) 832-8000 ext. 4
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If you are seeking a Long Island LASIK specialist, the eye doctors at Stahl Eyecare Experts would like to offer you a great opportunity in laser eye surgery. Brought to you by professional, experienced Long Island LASIK surgeons, our one-of-a-kind medical facility brings not only cutting-edge technology, but experienced hands in ophthalmology as well. Helping you achieve your personal best vision is mission critical at our Long Island LASIK office. If LASIK cost is something that has been holding you back please feel free to review our options regarding LASIK Financing. We are dedicated to providing the best in patient education so that our patients can make a well-educated decision as to whether or not LASIK would be a good vision correction option. Remember, not everyone is a good candidate for LASIK. This is precisely why you need to have an experienced LASIK surgeon in Long Island evaluate you to make sure that this is the right eye surgery procedure for you! If LASIK is not the best procedure for you, we offer other ophthalmology procedures such as cataract surgery to help you see better. If you are seeking a Long Island cataract surgeon we are happy to offer cataract consultations to educate you about this process and determine your vision correction options.

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