How to Prevent Pterygium From Affecting Your Eyes
A pterygium is a noncancerous growth that can appear in your eye. Besides an unwanted appearance, pterygium can also cause irritation and dry eye, among other symptoms. The fleshy mass can grow quite large and be very noticeable. Removing a pterygium can be difficult, and regrowth is not uncommon. It’s best to try and prevent… Read More
What are the Benefits of Refractive Lens Exchange?
There are many different procedures that offer permanent vision correction. While LASIK is the most popular, it isn’t always the right choice for everyone. Refractive lens exchange is an entirely different operation that can produce results that are just as amazing as LASIK. It even has a few benefits that LASIK doesn’t! Keep reading to… Read More
You Get Cataracts Twice?
Cataracts are a natural part of the eye’s natural aging process. As proteins inside of your eye’s lens break down, they begin to clump together. These clumps start small, but very gradually, they grow in size. As they become more prominent, they begin to block light from entering your eye. The only way to deal… Read More
Do You Believe These LASIK Myths?
In the age of the internet, getting information on something as popular as LASIK is almost effortless. However, there is also a lot of misinformation surrounding it. It can be challenging to sort facts from fiction on your own, so setting up a LASIK consultation at Stahl Eyecare in Manhattan, NY, is the best way… Read More
Should You Be Afraid of Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is also commonly known as the secret thief of sight. It earns this scary nickname for three reasons. First, the disease is essentially symptomless. Without looking for it, you might not even realize that you are losing vision. Secondly, any damage that it causes is permanent. And thirdly, there is no cure for glaucoma…. Read More