Are your eyelids irritated and itchy? Do they appear red or inflamed?
You may be experiencing blepharitis. This is a common eye condition, with more than 200,000 cases per year.
The most common symptoms include inflamed eyes and crusty eyelids. You don’t need to worry about blepharitis, but you should treat it.
Not treating the condition can lead to more severe symptoms. Keep reading to learn more about blepharitis and what you can do!
What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is a common eye condition that describes an irritated and inflamed eyelid. The eyelashes can appear crusted over.
The crusting is scales of dead skin, like dandruff that appears on the scalp. It has two main causes.
The first is a bacterial infection on the eyelid. The second is dandruff that has shed down over the eyes.
There are two types of blepharitis: anterior and posterior.
Anterior Blepharitis
Anterior blepharitis occurs when the blepharitis crusting is on the outer edge of the eye. This will be around the eyelashes.
This is the more common form of blepharitis and is caused by a common bacterial infection. It can also be the result of dandruff from the scalp or eyebrows falling onto and building up on the eyelid.
The bacteria that cause anterior blepharitis can be commonly found on the face and eyelids. Anterior blepharitis occurs when this bacteria builds up in excess.
This causes an allergic reaction to the bacteria. Other allergies can also cause anterior blepharitis.
Posterior Blepharitis
Blepharitis can also occur on the inner edge of the eyelid. This is where the eyelid meets the eyeball.
This is called posterior blepharitis. It is caused by an irregular production of lubricating oil that gives the eye moisture.
It can also be triggered by other skin conditions such as allergic reactions or dandruff. This is less common than anterior blepharitis.
There are several symptoms of blepharitis, including:
- A gritty or burning sensation in the eyes
- Excessive tearing, causing the eyes to become watery
- Inflamed eyes that are red and itchy
- Dry and itchy eyes
- Crusting on or around the eyelids
These symptoms can vary in severity. Some patients with blepharitis only experience very mild irritation.
Others experience both irritated eyes and pain. You do not need to experience all these symptoms to receive a blepharitis diagnosis.
Blepharitis can lead to more severe symptoms if left untreated. It can cause blurred vision or make your eyelashes fall out. It can also cause damage to other parts of your eye.
The best thing to do is schedule an eye exam if you are experiencing these symptoms.
The only real way of diagnosing blepharitis is through an eye exam. Diagnosing blepharitis requires special testing of the eyelids and front of the eyeball.
Your eye doctor will examine your eyes and eyelids to make sure that they are healthy. They will check your oil and tear production to make sure your eyes are well lubricated.
They will check your eyelid skin and structure, and your eyelashes. By doing this, they can determine the cause of blepharitis. Once they know the cause, they will be able to treat your condition.
Are you experiencing red, irritated, or inflamed eyelids? An eye exam can determine if you have blepharitis. Schedule yours today with Stahl Eyecare Experts in Manhattan, NY now!