Do you have an upcoming LASIK procedure? There’s a lot of great things on the horizon including clearer vision!
Soon you will be enjoying life without the need for prescription glasses. No more contact lenses to keep up with. Instead, you’ll have crystal clear vision day and all night.
After your surgery, you will need to recover and take it easy. Don’t fret.
Recovery from LASIK is a breeze if you follow the instructions from your eye doctor. You can kick your feet up and relax.
Do your best to steer clear of strenuous activity like manual labor or heavy lifting. This can cause strain and stress on your eyes.
Most people that have LASIK can go back to work the next day. Keep reading for 3 wellness tips to follow during your LASIK recovery!
1. No Heavy Lifting
Heavy lifting puts strain and stress on your eyes. You may not have noticed it before LASIK, but you will feel it as you recover from your procedure.
Strain and stress can hinder the healing process for your eyes. Stay away from lifting weights or moving and carrying heavy objects during your recovery.
2. Light Exercise
Stick to light and easy exercise during your LASIK recovery. Try to restrict yourself to no more than a swift walk.
You will soon be enjoying the freedom of exercising without needing contact lenses or glasses. You have a lot to look forward to during your recovery process, but try and wait to act on your new vision freedom until your eyes are fully healed.
3. Take A Day Off Work and Be Careful Recovering
LASIK recovery really is a breeze, but you should take it easy for a day. You don’t need to take off more than a day of work.
You should only need a day so that your eyes can relax and bounce back. You may need longer if you do a lot of manual labor.
If you do go back to work right away, make sure you bring the eye drops you’ve been prescribed with you. You’ll need to take these exactly as prescribed to prevent infection and inflammation.
Avoid getting any water in your eyes when you shower or take baths. You shouldn’t swim or submerge yourself in any bodies of water like rivers, lakes, swimming pools, or streams for at least a month after LASIK.
Your eyes will be more susceptible to infections and bacteria after the procedure, so getting anything in your eyes could lead to serious complications. Be wary wearing makeup around your eyes for at least a week as well, as you could get particles in your eyes.
Your eyesight may be a little blurry as you get used to your new vision. This blurry vision is another big reason to stay away from strenuous activity.
Your doctor will prescribe your eye drops for any eye pain or discomfort. After a few days, you will be enjoying the freedom that is clear vision without prescription glasses or contact lenses.
Schedule a LASIK Consultation
Ready to experience life beyond prescription eyewear? The first step to permanently clear vision is a LASIK consultation. Schedule yours today with Stahl Eyecare Experts in Garden City, NY!