You’re sick of wearing glasses or contacts and you want to fix the problem once and for all: That means that you’re considering LASIK. Before you undergo LASIK, you’ll need to see a New York LASIK surgeon for a consultation! There are many factors that go into determining whether or not someone is a LASIK candidate.
Are You the Right Age?
Your age is your first qualifying or disqualifying factor. You have to be at least 18 to get LASIK, although some New York LASIK surgeons require that patients are at least 21. In addition, if you are over 40, you might not be a good candidate since you will be more likely to need reading glasses after the surgery. Talk to your LASIK surgeon to find out if you can get LASIK at your current age. If you can, you can cross one requirement off your list.
Are You Healthy?
Your eye surgeon will also look at your health during your consultation. If you have an eye disease or a corneal abnormality, LASIK may not be right for you. You also can’t get LASIK if you have dry eye syndrome, as the surgery can make it worse.
Your eye surgeon will also look at your general health. You need to have good health in general to get LASIK.
Are you Willing to Ditch Your Contact Lenses?
You will have to stop wearing contacts for at least two weeks before your procedure, though some Garden City, New York LASIK surgeons require that patients stop wearing them for a full month. You must be willing to agree to this if you’re going to get LASIK. Otherwise, your corneas will be misshapen, and that will have a negative impact on the surgery.
Is Your Vision Stable?
Your vision needs to remain relatively stable for at least a year to be considered for LASIK. That means having a stable prescription for at least a year with no changes. That way, the surgeon will know that your eyes won’t undergo major changes after the surgery, skewing the results.
Are you interested in LASIk surgery? If so, be sure to contact your local New York LASIK surgeon at Stahl Eyecare Experts! With years of training and experience, our LASIK surgeons are considered some of the best in the city. Call us today to schedule a LASIK consultation in Hauppauge, Garden City or Manhattan, New York!